Tuesday, October 21, 2008

patient guys

hey guys...

have not been to training this few weeks... i'm suffering from plantar faciitis... heel pain... got to stop running for this month to let it recover... haiz! pretty sad... nowadays been cycling n swimming to keep my fitness... really missed the track training 1,3 and 5...

during this few days, i remember the recovery formula coach did tell me b4...

let me explain....

N is the amount of energy that every1 has....
so after every training, we will use up our energy and in the end our energy left with Y...

If we recover well, our energy will go up back to N and eventually improve above N which maybe landed like X because our fitness improved along during training... and the next time u start training, your energy level will start at X and after training, you will be left with N energy which will feel like before... this will just keep going up with the correct rest and training intensitiy...

but, if after training, we do not rest well and still carry on training... or training too high intensity like going too fast of what coach asked and having to used too much energy... our energy level will just keep going down like the down arrow... if we recover, we will only recover till back to N energy... in the end, the trainings will just be wasted... long period, you might suffer from injuries or break down...

End of formula

i'm telling everyone this cause i dont wish anyone to end up suffering injuries like me... yes! i suffered aches and muscle pains after my half ironman... i should had rested a week for a long race like this... but i decided to carrying on training because i wanted to go even further and faster (greedy)... i didnt consider my body's health a factor... which therefore ended up a injury cause i cannot run properly with aching legs... now i have to stop running for 1 month...

2 weeks had gone... i learned alot this period from my injury...
i shall never rush for improvement... but also do well in training and let my body rest well...

really miss track training alot... :(
i guess i will have to start at a lower level training when i'm back to get my running fitness back on track... no rush... i still got long years of running ahead... :P


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Patience Runners

Once again, another competition is on going now. Everyone got excited and nervous towards their event. Common voices; "i very scare"; "i'm afraid i'm the last to come back"; "i don't feel like running";....;etc

What is the main reason you want to train as a runner? Why sign up competition and quit in the last minute? Do we know the reasons?

What i can think of is preparation. How well we prepared toward the race, how focus are we towards the race and how patience are we toward the race.

If we set a competition like IVP which is usually in Sept/Oct, when are we going to start training? How much patience do i have from now to then? Am i willing to sacrifice others activities for training? Once mind is set to do it, JUST DO IT!

During a race, we saw fast and slow runners running, ever question why some can run that fast? Are they gived or are their born to run fast? If their are born to run fast, do they need training? How much time have they put in?

An example of two runners in my group, Richard and LingEr. Richard is naturally have a fast muscles twitch, but because of his working loads, he can afford only 2-3days of training per week. And each training can only focus on short endurance work. This will able to make him run fast but not very fast because he can't substain longer/faster work load. He doen't have time to do longer continuous run to build up his cardio-respiratory system. Remember at one stage he did alot of long run (20-30 rds), without doing much speed, he clocked a 2'09 for 800 during a time trial. This type of runners is "born-to-run", but he still need training to push up his performance.
On contrast, LingEr doesn't has a fast twitch muscles but she is willing clock-in mileages, within a year and a half, she has proven herself from 50+min 10km to a sub 45min 10k runner. Of course, she has to sacrifice alot of her personal time to training. I remember the 1st time i saw her running was during her NAPFA test in 2007. If i'm not wrong she clocked a 10'13 or 10'17 for 2.4km. Now, i'm not surprise she can do it close to 9min or even sub 9.

The above two stories tell me whether you are born with what type of muscles fibres, you still need to train regularly. Train with a more scincific training method rather than going out there to do all hard run.



Friday, October 17, 2008

support from everyone!



Remember: "look tall, arms swing"
(Haha, from coach!)
