Sunday, March 15, 2009

Important Announcement to All

Dear Members of R²unners,

I am hereby to inform you the closure of R²unners Club. A final decision made by Coach Robin.

With the closure of the club, all benefits and terms will no longer in valid. The committee has also been dismissed. From the starting of the club till today, everything is done on a volunteering basis and it shall be the way after the club has closed down.

The membership fee has been returned to those who had paid for this year's membership. The left over funds from 2008 will be given to Coach Robin as a token of appreciation for coaching us in the past 1 yr. If you have objections with the settlement of the left over funds, please contact me personally.

R²unners will still exist as a running group which will always be a representation of Coach Robin, Richard and runners who you know who you are.
Training days are still on the Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 6pm at SP Stadium. Apart from that, Saturday's Leisure Long Run is still on which you may check the blog for updates.

Thank you for the support and effort for the past 1 year.
Hope the passion of running stays in you and continue to burn.

Yours faithfully,

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